What We Do

Coffee Single Estates

At Nshozi coffee, where we take pride in producing high-quality, single estate coffees grown at elevations between 2000 and 2200 masl. Our commitment to quality and sustainability starts with our coffee plants, and we work closely with the National Coffee Research Institute to develop innovative new varieties and agricultural practices where we lead in early trials. ....

Smallholder Coffees

Nshozi Coffee partners with smallholder farmers to provide training and resources they need to produce high-quality coffee using regenerative agriculture practices. We believe that sustainable coffee production is not only good for the environment but also good for the farmers who produce it.
Our farmer training programs are designed to help smallholder farmers improve their coffee production and quality while...

Coffee Professionals

At Nshozi coffee, we are passionate about developing the next generation of coffee professionals. We believe in investing in our local communities by providing opportunities for young people to learn the skills necessary to excel in the coffee industry. Our program is designed to give young people a comprehensive education in coffee agronomy, processing, and quality management. We hire both university graduates and unemployed youth ....

Coffee Processing

We believe that the key to producing exceptional coffee is in the processing. That's why we've invested in central processing facilities that allow us to carefully control every aspect of the coffee processing journey. Our processing facilities are designed to produce high-quality coffee with consistent flavor profiles. We process coffee using a variety of methods, including washed, honey, and natural, depending on the unique micro-climates in which our coffee is grown....

Promotion of Local Coffee Consumption

At Nshozi Coffee, we are passionate about promoting local coffee consumption in East Africa. We believe that the quality of coffee produced in our region is world-class, and we want to make it more accessible to local consumers. We understand that coffee consumption in East Africa is still very low, and we are determined to change that. That's why we offer a range of products that cater to different coffee....

Specialty Coffee Export

At Nshozi Coffee, we take great pride in exporting premium, high-quality Ugandan coffee to the world. Our unwavering commitment to traceability and our in-depth exporting expertise continues to set us apart from other coffee exporters in the region. We understand the importance of building strong partnerships with importers, roasters, retailers, and brands around the world. That's why we work tirelessly to ensure that every customer we partner with receives the highest quality coffee possible....