Coffee Professionals

Coffee Professionals

At Nshozi coffee, we are passionate about developing the next generation of coffee professionals. We believe in investing in our local communities by providing opportunities for young people to learn the skills necessary to excel in the coffee industry.

Our program is designed to give young people a comprehensive education in coffee agronomy, processing, and quality management. We hire both university graduates and unemployed youth from the surrounding communities near our farm to participate in our six-month apprentice program.

During the program, our trainees receive hands-on training in all aspects of coffee production, from planting and harvesting to processing and cupping. We provide them with the knowledge and skills necessary to become experts in the field, and we encourage them to explore their creativity and develop their own unique approaches to coffee production.

Our trainees work alongside experienced coffee professionals, who provide them with guidance and support throughout the program. They have the opportunity to learn from experts in the industry and to gain valuable practical experience in a real-world setting.

At the end of the program, our trainees have the skills and knowledge necessary to be successful coffee professionals. They are equipped to work in a variety of roles within the coffee industry, from agronomists and processors to quality managers and Q-Graders. We are proud to have helped develop some of the best coffee professionals in the region, and we are committed to continuing this work for years to come.

Join us in our mission to develop the next generation of coffee professionals.