Coffee Single Estates

Coffee Single Estates

At Nshozi coffee, where we take pride in producing high-quality, single estate coffees grown at elevations between 2000 and 2200 masl. Our commitment to quality and sustainability starts with our coffee plants, and we work closely with the National Coffee Research Institute to develop innovative new varieties and agricultural practices where we lead in early trials.

Our estates are more than just coffee farms, they are also innovation grounds where we are constantly testing and refining our farming methods to be more efficient and regenerative. By experimenting with different plant spacing and other sustainable techniques, we’re able to maximize the potential of each coffee tree while minimizing our impact on the environment.

We have over 130,000 coffee trees, grown in 4 varieties. Our focus on single estate coffees allows us to carefully monitor the quality of each and every bean. We believe in transparency and are proud to share the unique story of each estate and the process behind the coffee you enjoy.

Our passion for coffee extends beyond the farm. We are committed to fostering sustainable relationships with our customers, providing unparalleled customer service and support. We take pride in our craft and are dedicated to sharing the beauty and complexity of specialty coffee with our community.